邢唷> ),+欹7 餜bjbjUU 8&vvz$pv" W[N6  N禰╟P冡O Letter of Recommendation 魜3u鲖篘to the Appicant 3u鲖篘臺{T3u鲖ZPZS隭TUSMO衏$N齆 0N禰╟P冡O 003u鲖篘(W Nh-NkX}Y陙馷剉覻 T孴@b3u鲖剉USMO T饄T \dkhR$NMO哊銐孴焣塦陙馷剉N禰vQ-NNMO/f3u鲖篘剉ZS隭uc黐Ye^ 0:N筫縊N禰kX橯╟Pa翂T\vQ愞V3u鲖篘 鲖3u鲖篘(W Nb梽vh顅-N鎷苸橯f陙馷剉愥O0W@W0 Applicant should have two letters or recommendation submitted from professors or others who can assess the quality of his/her academic performance ,capability and potential of research. Please ask to have these the letters sent directly to the institution to which you are applying returned to you with the envelope sealed. (錘 Nh顅1u3u鲖篘kX橯 This section to be filled in by the applicant) 3u鲖篘覻 T 3u鲖篘5u輯  Name or Applicant (Telephone Number) 3u鲖篘愥O0W@W  Institution of Applicant  (address of applicant) 3u鲖ZPZS隭T剉USMO  (Institution to which the applicant is applying)  (Address of the institution) 魜╟P兒N To the Referee ^8^a"尐`?aa:N3u鲖篘ZP╟P兒N0鲖╜(W虁bh-N鵞3u鲖篘錘_褃x錧\O蔛f[/g4ls^0褃x錧\O齹汻I{\O鶴膵鱊 v^ c Nb梽v0W@W\,g 0N禰╟P冡O 0愞V賬3u鲖篘0 You are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her application of postdocgoral position in the listed institution . We would appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capabitity and potential in research work..Please directly send this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applicant with envelope sealed.If you prefer to write a personal letter rather than this form ,please feel free to do so and attach this form to you letter. (錘 Nh顅1u╟P兒NkX橯) The following to be filled in by the referee ╟P兒N覻 T  (Name of Referee) ╟P兒NLbL饄  (Position and Tithe) ╟P兒N錧\OUSMO  (Institution and Address) ╟P兒NN3u鲖篘剉sQ鹼  (Relationship with the Applicant) ╟P兒N5u輯 ╟P兒N Ow  (Telephone Number) (Facsimile) ╟Pa翂Recommend ation  ╟P兒N~{W[ ╟P冨eg (Signature) (Date)  "<>@Jhjlrt p r t v " 4 6 8 n p r t  " $ b d p t | $ 殮殮邋潷潷邃邋逭邋溴溴棋邋峰邋濞潷邃溴欏溴撻玳玨潷 >*CJo(jUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHo(>*>*o( 5乗乷( 5丆JaJ5丆JaJo(9fhjvxz*,BDFxz禧嘻見麨jUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHCJjUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHjUCJmHsHnHtHCJo(>FX68觖觖耬o(CJo( >*CJo(CJo( >@lr t v " 4 8 n p t  $ b d $ YD2劋WD`劋$a$$ fhjvz*,BF$a$剬 WD`剬 [$\$G$H$$a$凘 WD@`凘 [$\$G$H$$a$WD,`[$\$G$H$$a$勑WD,`勑[$\$G$H$xz$a$WD`[$\$G$H$$a$WD,`[$\$G$H$8$a$WD,`[$\$G$H$833P皞. 捌A!"#悹$悹%0癝班182P |=}<~;:987610W;"QR]nN匄剺^匄`剺.凾剺T^凾`剺.劙剺^劙`剺. 剺 ^ `剺. 匄剺^匄`剺﨩JQJo(l 凾剺T^凾`剺﨩JQJo(l 劙剺^劙`剺﨩JQJo(l  剺 ^ `剺﨩JQJo(l刪剺h^刪`剺. 刪剺h^刪`剺﨩JQJo(l 劙凱8^劙`凱56CJ$o(,{鄗凘劺@^凘`劺56CJPJo(. 勑0^勑`056CJo(..刞劆`^刞`劆56CJPJo(... 勷^勷`黲( .... 剙剙^剙`剙鹢( ..... 勷^`勷鷒( ...... 劆刞^劆`刞鷒(....... 0勑0^0`勑鵲(........ W;"Q~}|8 $ 88&8  @8 鷂(  饞B  <5%? S" 饞B  <5%? S" 饞B  <5%? S"饞B  <5%? S"饞B  <5%? S"饞B  <5%? S"饞B  <5%? S"饞B   <5%? S"饞B   <5%? S"饞B   <5%? S"饞B   <5%? S"養 S  ?i!| !t !tT !t !ttX t X tX t X t X t  @ t@UnknownR@R ck噀 $a$1$(CJKHOJQJPJaJmH sH nHtH\@\ h槝 1#$$ & FdB1$@&5丆J$KH,PJ\乤J,`@` h槝 2#$$ & Fd1$@&5丆JOJQJPJ\乤J T@T h槝 3#$$ & Fd1$@&5丆J\乤J ^@^ h槝 4#$$ & Fdx"1$@&CJOJQJPJ\乤J$A@$ 貫祂=刉[SOL^@L nf(Q賨)$a$[$\$1$ CJKHOJ:: 7h_1$a$5丆JPJ\乤J _Hlt124137787G噝 Times New Roman;Wingdings;6 N媅_GB2312;褳SOSimHei;媅SOSimSun3& 噝 Arial 0 h 孩藛!-!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 0 00000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[個21?刡  FMicrosoft Word 文檔 MSWordDocWord.Document.89瞦鄥燆鵒h珣+'遲0@HT d p | zrt 番茄花園4@^脅@,泍#=@绹Y旎J脹諟.摋+,0, zrtRoot Entry5.0.1162.121ZH F(Data 1TablesCompObjfWordDocument7&SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8\  !"#$%&'*