
2024-11-27 | 查看: 110

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2015-2019  Erasmus University Rotterdam, Ph.D.in Law & Economics

2012-2015  中國政法大學,境與資源保護法學碩士

2008-2012  北京航空航天大學,法學學士


研究領域為環境治理、環境政策🖋,目前方向包括環境決策(Environmental decision-making)🪝、綠色行為✌🏻。以環境心理學💂🏽‍♂️、行為經濟學、法經濟學理論框架為主,利用計量經濟學模型、SEM🤹‍♂️、機器學習對一手或二手數據進行定量分析👨🏻‍⚖️。




  • 1)      Ma, C., & Shen, Y.(corresponding author) (2024). Understanding food waste sorting behavior in institutional food services: An integrated psychological framework. Journal of Environmental Management, 360, 121215.

  • 2)      Shen, Y. & Ru, P. (2024). Saving for the future? Integrating time orientations into the norm-activation process of utility-saving behavior. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2024.2421910

  • 3)      Wang, C., Li, Y., Shen, Y., Liu, Y., Ru, P., Wei, Z., & Xie, D. (2024). Addressing the influencing path of social noise exposure risk perception on noise mitigation behavior.Journal of Environmental Management, 353, 120238.

  • 4)      Shen, Y. and Faure, M. (2024). Behavioral instruments in environmental law & policy: Potential and Challenges. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 33(1), 3.

  • 5)      Shen, Y. & Faure, M.(2024). Private standardization for sustainability: Opportunities and cases (book chapter), in Silva Santos et al.(eds.), Routledge Handbook on Private Law and Sustainability (pp. 448-475). Routledge.

  • 6)      Shen, Y. & Faure, M.  (2021).  Private Standards for the Public Interest? Evidence from Environmental Standardization in China. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 30, 396.

  • 7)      Shen, Y. & Faure, M. (2021).  Green Building in China.  International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 21, 183.

  • 8)      Faure, M. & Shen, Y.  (2020).Environmental liability as a tool to promote sustainability (book chapter), in Akkermans, B. & van Dijck, G. (eds.), Sustainability and Private Law (pp.79-115). Eleven International Publishing.

  • 9)      Shen, Y. & Faure, M.  (2018).  Smart Instrument Mixes to Promote Green Building.  Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, 49, 49.

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